Friday, October 11, 2019

First Concert of the Year @ 6:30p, Note Start Time

Justice High School Fall Concert

under the direction of Cassandra Haynes
October 15th, Tuesday @ 6:30pm
in the Justice Auditorium

A joint concert with Glasgow Middle School Orchestras
 under the direction of Alexandra Touzinsky

Students should be prepared to be in the orchestra room no later than 
the following times for tuning and warm-up:
Chamber - 5:50pm
Symphonic - 6:00pm
Concert - 6:10pm

Student dress is casual for this concert - orchestra t-shirt and jeans. However, some sections may decide to dress up in costumes if they wish :) 

To share in community and to celebrate both Justice and Glasgow families, join us after the concert for pizza provided by the Justice Orchestra Boosters.

We are asking for donations of food such as cookies, vegetable trays, cheese/crackers, etc. and drinks.
 There will be roughly 100 students and their families. 

If your last name is A-L please bring drinks in individual containers such as water or juice boxes.
If your last name is M-Z please bring a side food item to share. 

We will also need help with some clean-up and set-up that evening - this is a great way to volunteer that takes little time but has a large and positive impact on our programs. We thank you in advance for this!