Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Boosters' Meeting

Tuesday, November 25th, 2014

6:30pm, JEB Stuart Orchestra Room

Agenda: Winter Concerts

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

District X Audition Information

Senior / Junior Honors Orchestra 2014-2015

Audition Date:           Tuesday, November 18th, 2014

Location:                    Robert E. Lee HS--6540 Franconia Rd, Springfield, VA 22150

Registration Time:    3:30pm-6:30 pm.  DO NOT ARRIVE BEFORE 3:30PM! 
Auditions are first come, first served.  Students should enter Door #1.

Registration Fee:       $5.25 to be paid in advance to your school director

Senior Honors Orchestra: Students must be a 9th-12th grader in a District X School Orchestra Program. (9th graders may choose to audition for Jr. or Sr. Orchestra, but not both).
Directors must be present
Junior Honors Orchestra: Students must be a 7th-9th grader in a District X School Orchestra Program. (9th graders may choose to audition for Jr. or Sr. Orchestra, but not both).
Directors must be present

Audition Requirements:
Senior Honors Orchestra
Scales:   Violin – A Major, Bb Major, g minor 3 octaves AND E Major 2 octaves
Viola -   D Major, c minor 3 octaves AND A Major, F Major 2 octaves
Cello -   D Major, Eb Major, c minor 3 octaves AND A Major 2 octaves
Bass -   F Major, E Major, g minor  2 octaves
Quarter Note = at least 112
Bowing for all scales:  2 slurred, 2 martelĂ© ascending, and 4 slurred descending
(basses 2 slurred descending).
Excerpts:         orchestral excerpts provided.

Junior Honors Orchestra
Scales:   Violin – C Major, G Major, D Major, A Major, and F Major – all 2 octaves
Viola -   C Major, G Major, D Major, A Major, and F Major – all 2 octaves
Cello -   C Major, G Major, D Major, A Major, and F Major – all 2 octaves
Bass -   C Major, G Major, D Major, A Major, and F major – all 1 octave
Quarter Note = at least 112
Bowing for all scales:  2 slurred, 2 martelĂ© ascending, and 4 slurred descending
(basses 2 slurred descending).
Excerpts:         orchestral excerpts provided.

Special Instructions:
* Enter school through main entrance #1
* Sign in at the SENIOR ORCHESTRA / JUNIOR ORCHESTRA registration table and receive your audition number.  Registration will begin at 3:30pm and end promptly at 6:30 pm.  You will be given a registration card.  Hold on to this card and give it to the runner when your name is called.
* Proceed to the warm-up area and listen carefully for your registration number to be called.  Report to the announcer table when your number is called.  Give your registration card to the runner.  Leave all personal belongings in the warm-up room.
* A runner will take you to the audition room.  Wait quietly outside of the room for your turn.  Do not practice or talk in the hallways at any time.
* Once inside the audition room, wait for instructions from the judges.  DO NOT TALK.  If you have a question, step into the hallway and ask the runner.  Students who talk while inside the audition room may be disqualified.
* You may use your own music if you choose, or use the copy that is on the stand in the audition room.
* Violin auditions will take place in two separate rooms, a scale room and an excerpt room.  If you are a violin player, do not leave until you have played in both rooms.
* After completing your audition, return to the warm-up area.  Do not discuss your performance or auditions spots with anyone.  Results will NOT be posted.  You will be notified of the results by your teacher.

Students selected through the audition will participate in the District X Honors
Orchestra event in January at Falls Church High School.