Thursday, December 2, 2021

Winter Concert

 On behalf of all of the orchestra students you are cordially invite to attend

Justice High School Orchestras'

Annual Winter Concert

Thursday, December 9th @ 7pm

The students have been working very hard on their music 

and look forward to share it with you🎝

      Call times:  

     Chamber - 5:30pm on stage to tune and warm up; change into uniform after you tune

     Symphonic - 5:30pm to change into uniforms, warm-up on stage at 5:50

     Concert – 5:45pm to change into uniforms, warm-up on stage at 6:15

      ☃Combined -  all back on stage at 6:40 for run through of combined music

Thanks in advance for arriving on time.

Remember to bring your black socks (not ankle length)/tights and black dress shoes as all students will be wearing their formal uniforms which are kept at the school, for the concert.

Wear black masks if possible.

Change clothes after the concert and leave the uniform in the uniform rooms. Please hang up your uniform correctly before handing them to the uniform parents. 

Thank you for your tireless support. We may not say it often enough but your continued commitment to orchestra is greatly appreciated.

There will be NO reception following the concert.

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Orchestra News


District Honors Orchestra Auditions at Justice High School

Tuesday, November 11th. 

This is a wonderful opportunity for all students in the orchestra program. 

ALL are encouraged to audition, it is a great honor to be selected.  

Students who have a successful audition are able to then attend the District Honors Orchestra Event at Falls Church HS on January 14th - 15th.

There will be a free concert at 3pm on Jan. 15th showcasing the student


Playing Assessment Calendar on Schoology has been updated with assignments listed until Winter Break. Each weekly assignment is due by 11:59pm on Saturday.

Orchestra Course fee is now visible in MySchoolBucks. This course fee covers the cost of the upkeep of uniforms; guest conductors/coaches; and SmartMusic

Instrument Rental Fees are due. The rental fee is $100 for the year; if you qualify for Free-Reduced Lunch, it is $20. If submitting checks, please make it payable to Justice High School. If submitting cash, place in a sealed envelope with the students name on the outside. 

Winter Concert is on December 9th! All students are working hard on their winter concert music. We have selections such as Sleigh Ride; In the Bleak Midwinter; Sweet Petite Winter Suite and many others. 

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Fall Concert, Tuesday October 5th @ 6:30 – Note Early Start Time

 Justice High School Fall Concert

Tuesday October 5th @ 6:30pm
in the Justice Auditorium

A joint concert with Glasgow Middle School Orchestras 

Followed by a Pizza Reception! 

Call-time for all Justice musicians: no later than 5:30pm in the orchestra room for tuning and warm-up

Student dress is casual for this concert – blue orchestra t-shirt and jeans. 

To share in community and to celebrate both Justice and Glasgow families, join us in the Little Theater after the concert for pizza provided by the Justice Orchestra Boosters, along with snacks and goodies provided by Glasgow parents.

  • Please socially distance when choosing seats in the auditorium with families sitting together.
  • A virtual program will be available for download.
  • If you are comfortable with staying and eating, please do so!
  • If you feel more comfortable taking a slice of pizza "to go" then please, do that.
  • Volunteers are needed to make this night a success. Help is needed setting up the Little Theater before the concert, serving pizza after the concert, and cleaning up after the reception.
  • Please volunteer at this link: Justice HS Fall Orchestra Concert Volunteers - Oct. 5th

Thank you for your help,

We look forward to seeing all of you at the concert on the evening of the 5th!

Friday, September 24, 2021

Food Donations Needed for the Senior Regional Auditions

This coming Monday - September 27th, Justice HS will be the host to part of the Senior Regional Band/Orchestra Auditions. We will have ~40 high school directors from  FCPS, Alexandria, Arlington, and private area schools, judging these auditions late into the evening. 

The Music Department is looking for donations to make this event more pleasant for these folks - some stay until 9pm!

We are looking for donations of snacks, candy, water, soda etc. Sign up at this link:

Drop off all items in the Main Office no later than 12noon on Monday, 9/27 

Thank you! We appreciate any support you can give :) 

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

TAG Day, Saturday, September 18th: Volunteers Needed


Welcome to all new families, and welcome back to all returning families 
to the Justice High School Orchestra Department!

TAG Day is this Saturday, September 18, 2021  8:00am to 12:30pm. 

This is *THEE* big fundraiser for the Orchestra Department. We need all the help that we can get from our orchestra families, both parents and students are urged to participateRemember, the amount of money that each group receives is proportionate to the number of hours put in. When successful, this fundraiser supports most of the annual expenses for Justice High School music programs.

Please volunteer at this SignUpGenius page.

 Here’s the link again:

On Tag Day, students and parents from band, chorus and orchestra ask the local community directly for support by going to every home within the Justice High School boundaries. Due to COVID safety precautions, students will not be knocking on doors to collect money.  Instead, students will simply “tag” each house, leaving a return envelope and flyer that asks for a donation.  

Subsequently, we will follow up with neighbors and past donors by mail and email, encouraging their financial support – the ‘virtual’ component of our Tag Day event.

Tag Day requires all hands on deck. We need every family to participate in order for it to be a success. There are two options to participate:

  • Driver/Tagger pair:  (9:00am-12:30pm).  We need over 60 drivers over the age of 18. Each parent/guardian (the driver) will drive their student (the tagger) on an assigned route. Please note: two students may arrange to ride together in 1 car if it is acceptable to all parents involved. Arrange this in advance and note this on the SignUpGenius page.
  • Stuffer—(8:00am-10:00am) Students without drivers or parents without cars participate by stuffing envelopes for the driver/tagger teams to deliver/tag and our virtual mailing.

We use FCPS facilities, following all COVID protocols: Always wear masks indoors, in vehicles with non-family members, and in neighborhoods as appropriate.

Please make plans to participate in this very important fundraising event on Saturday, September 18. Please sign up at the SignUpGenius page.

Find more information about Tag Day here:

Direct questions to Matt Hardy, Justice Band Boosters Vice President, at

Monday, May 10, 2021

Spring Showcase and Awards Ceremony, June 3rd

Orchestra's Spring Virtual Showcase is June 3rd, and the entire department is getting geared up. This will be combined with choir (like the Winter Showcase) and include the Orchestra Awards Ceremony and Senior Slideshow.

The Spring Concert is special as the seniors choose pieces that they would like to reprise, favorites from their time in orchestra. The students have been busy making their audio and video recordings for this performance

The Awards Ceremony will be immediately following the Spring Showcase. Part of this slideshow is honoring the orchestra seniors. Senior Parents - Please use the link provided below to submit photos for the seniors! Each senior can have up to 5 pictures. We would love to have at least one graduation/senior picture included. Lots of students also include baby pictures and pictures throughout their years of orchestra, or pictures from orchestra trips, etc.

To ensure that the senior slideshow is completed in time for the Awards Ceremony, all the pictures need to be uploaded no later than Tuesday, May 18th. 

  • We can only use pictures that are in picture format (i.e. img., jpeg., etc.) 
  • We cannot use PDF’s. 
  • Please label the pictures with the last name of the student and the order you would like them to be displayed. Example: Haynes1; Haynes2; Haynes3; Haynes4; Haynes5. 
  • If the first link does not work (for whatever reason) please use the second link instead. Either link will get the pictures to Ms. Haynes. 
  • Orchestra Senior Pics - Dropbox
  • Orchestra Senior Pics - Google Drive

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Optional sectional rehearsals beginning on Monday, April 12th! 
Rehearse in the orchestra room for an hour on Mondays. 

In order for students to come in, even if they come one day during the week, there are protocols that need to be followed.

  1. Look at this questionnaire to make sure your student is healthy enough to enter the building.
  2. Follow the QR code attached to this email to answer the questions in the Google Form. This creates a log of who is in the building each day.   
  3. Students must use hand sanitizer as they enter the classroom.
  4. Students must remain socially distanced at all times. Normally during the school day, students can be 3 feet apart. To increase the safety, we will be 6 feet apart.
  5. Masks must be worn at all times.

  • Each section will come in on their assigned day and time (see schedule below). 
  • Music will be provided to each student. 
  • The first 3 sessions will be rehearsals. The second 3 sessions will hopefully be recording sessions. 
  • This could take the place of their final audio recording for each of the pieces on the Spring Concert. 
  • Bring a water bottle to stay hydrated. 
  • These rehearsals are completely optional. Students will not be penalized if they are unable to come.

April 12: 1st Violins    2-3pm

April 19: Violas 1-2pm    2nd Violins 2-3pm

April 26: Cellos / Basses 1-2pm

April 26: OPEN REHEARSAL 2-3pm

May 3: 1st Violins    2-3pm (possible recording)

May 10: Violas 1-2pm    2nd Violins 2-3pm (possible recording)

May 17: Cellos / Basses 1-2pm (possible recording)

May 25: OPEN REHEARSAL 2-3pm (possible recording)

MARK YOUR CALENDAR: Our final concert of the year will premiere Thursday, June 3rd at 7:00pm. 
A BBCU invite link will come out closer to the date and a YouTube link will be shared that evening.

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Virtual Winter Concert

 Thursday, January 21, 2021 @ 7pm

Combined Chorus & Orchestra Winter Concert 

Ms. Lansberry and Ms. Haynes will be hosting a Watch Party through BBCU that evening. HERE is the link for the Watch Party. So gather the family around a computer, TV, or other device and enjoy the concert with our music family. Please feel free to invite family and friends so that we can have a "full house." Once everyone is in the BBCU room, we will share the YouTube link that you can watch on another device. This avoids any synching or glitching issues. We will keep the Watch Party going in BBCU so that we can comment and congratulate our performers live!