Wednesday, October 28, 2020

TAG Day 2020


Tag Day 2020 Keep the Music Alive: Virtual Edition

Justice High School Music Department Fundraiser

Band | Chorus | Orchestra

Dear Friend, Neighbor, and Patron,

Like so many other things, Tag Day 2020 has been upended by the COVID-19 pandemic and appropriate health safety protocols. Previously, Tag Day saw the Justice High School band, chorus and orchestra students walking door-to-door to every home in our community to share news about our music programs and ask for financial contributions. Rather than walking door-to-door, we’re bringing our show directly to your inbox or mailbox. 
Welcome to Tag Day 2020: Virtual Edition!

Both the school year and the music program at Justice High School looks and feels very different. Yet our love of music endures. And we need your help to keep the music alive. 

Please consider making a tax-deductible donation.

Your gift enables the Music Department to fund additional instruments, equipment, special music, software, technical services, and tailored instruction, particularly important in our virtual learning world. These are not funded by Fairfax County but are necessary to maintain a standard of excellence – and a sense of community. Of course, your gift also funds traditional costs to support live and in-person concerts and competitions, as soon as we are allowed to participate.

Please make a donation to KEEP THE MUSIC ALIVE at Justice High School. 

Two ways to give:

1. BY MAIL: Send your check (made payable to: Justice High School Band Boosters, Inc.)
2. ONLINE: Visit Justice High School Music Boosters Tag Day 2020 website at: or use the QR code to the right.

We can’t wait to return to live musical performances!! Until that time, all three programs are thinking creatively to design both in-person and virtual performances.

Now more than ever, our world needs the joy and optimism music engenders. Won’t you please help us to KEEP THE MUSIC ALIVE at Justice High School?

Thank you for your continued generosity!


Tara Rethore
Justice Band Boosters

Kim Lanoue
Justice Chorus Boosters

Nell Dillard
Justice Orchestra Boosters

100% of the money we collect goes to support the Justice Music Departments!*

*Online donations deduct a nominal fee from your donation for credit card processing

All donations are tax-deductible.

Justice High School Band Boosters, P.O. Box 1640, Falls Church, VA 22042

501(c)(3) Federal Tax ID No. 23-7120890  


Friday, May 29, 2020

Congratulations Class of 2020

Even though graduation looks a little bit different this year, the achievement is the same.
You’ve put in the hard work and you’ve earned your degree.

Life is like music---
Some high notes, some low notes,
But together they make a good symphony.

Remember your time at Justice with fondness,
As you look forward to the new and exciting future that lies ahead.
Congratulations for today and best wishes for all your tomorrows.

And keep on playing...

"Music gives a soul to the universe, 
wings to the mind, 
flight to the imagination,
 and life to everything."

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Orchestra Class Assignments and Trip Refunds


Be  sure that you all have a Smartmusic account by visiting and using the code that is on your class blackboard and google classroom announcement page. There have been a few smartmusic assignments assigned already.  

The school is allowing students to come into the school this Wednesday, April 29th. They do an exceptional job of monitoring social distancing and are only allowing less than ten students into the building at a time, spread out. If you need to pick up an instrument or items from the school please do so. 

Some of you have asked if you could make up playing tests - this would be a wonderful opportunity for you to get your instrument so you could do that before the end of the third quarter.  Please look for a communication from the school (which you should already have) to make an appointment time or email Ms. Spaulding at to set up an appointment time. 


All the pertinent information pertaining to a refund for the canceled NYC trip was sent via Charms, along with the the form you need to request a refund. Please make sure to fill out the  form for all trip payments as your payment histories have been submitted to the school and it is vitally important that the amount your request and the payment record match. There are instructions in Ms. Eck's email on how to submit the form, and to whom. 

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Orchestra Assessments Cancelled


All Assessments (band/orchestra/choir) scheduled for this weekend,  March 13-14, have been cancelled. 

Many factors went into this decision. There was increasing parent concern. Judges were unable/unwilling to travel to adjudicate the assessments. This is a disappointment to many, as the students have worked extremely hard preparing for these assessments. It is not known when/if they will be rescheduled.

The following message is from Mrs Haynes: Thank you to all who had volunteered to help with the assessments. I also would like to express my gratitude towards you and your wonderful children. I absolutely love my job and working with such dedicated students and families is a pure joy. Regardless if we were able to be assessed tomorrow or not, I am beyond proud of them and their many musical achievements. 

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

VBODA Assessment Friday March 13th @ Annandale High School

Concert Orchestra:

Students will be dismissed from classes at 1:40pm, come to the orchestra room and  change into their formal attire. They will board a bus with their music/instrument and travel to Annandale HS. 

Assessment is at 4:15pm. After their on-stage performance they will be assessed at sight-reading, board the bus and head back to Justice High School. Please be prepared to pick up your student around 5:30pm at Justice High School. 

  • Dismissed at 1:45p to change into attire
  • Board bus @ 2:15
  • Performance Time 4:15p
  • ETA back at Justice 5:30p
Symphonic Orchestra:
Students will arrive to Justice High School around 4:45pm, but no later than 5pm to meet parent chaperones and Alexandra Touzinsky, Glasgow Middle School Orchestra Director in the orchestra room. They will change into their formal attire, board a bus with their music/instrument and travel to Annandale HS. 

Assessment is at 7:10pm. After their on-stage performance they will be assessed at sight-reading; board the bus and head back to Justice High School. Please be prepared to pick up your student around 8:30pm at Justice High School. 

  • Arrive at Justice at 4:45p to change into attire
  • Board bus @ 5:20
  • Performance Time 7:10p
  • ETA back at Justice 8:30p

Chamber Orchestra:
Students will take their formal uniform, instrument and music with them when they leave school on Friday and arrive in their formal attire at Annandale HS, NO LATER than 7pm  at entrance #1. You will be met by a performance escort and brought to your storage/warm-up room. 

Assessment is at 8:40pm. After their on-stage performance they will be assessed at sight-reading. Students will then be done with their state assessments and free to leave. 

  • Musicians will get their own transportation to Annandale
  • Arrive in concert attire
  • Arrive by 7p and meet at Entrance #1
  • Performance Time 8:40p
  • Expect to be finished by  9:45p

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Important Events for March

Pre-Assessment Concert #1

Wednesday March 4th @ 7PM, Justice Auditorium

Justice Symphonic and Chamber Orchestras
Along with Glasgow Chamber Orchestra and Elementary Orchestra

Call times:  Justice Musicians arrive before 5:45p
   Symphonic – change into concert attire at 5:45, tuning at 6:10
   Chamber – tuning at 5:45, change into concert attire at 6:10
   Elementary students – rehearsal for String Explosion on auditorium stage at 6:30 sharp

Pre-Assessment Concert #2
Thursday March 5th @ 7PM, Justice Auditorium

Justice Concert Orchestra
Along with Glasgow Concert and Symphonic Orchestras

Call times:  Justice Concert Musicians– tuning at 6pm, then change into concert attire;  
                                                            in auditorium seats no later than 6:50

Reminder for both concerts – DO NOT take the uniforms home after the concert – we need the uniforms so they can be prepared for the assessments

VBODA Assessment Friday March 13th @ Annandale High School

Concert Orchestra:
Dismissed at 1:45p to change into attire
Board bus @ 2:15
Performance Time 4:15p
ETA back at Justice 5:30p
Symphonic Orchestra:
Arrive at Justice by 5p to change into attire
Board bus @ 5:20
Performance Time 7:10p
ETA back at Justice 8:30p

Chamber Orchestra:
Musicians will get their own transportation to Annandale
Arrive in concert attire
Arrive by 7p and meet in lobby
Performance Time 8:40p
Expect to be finished by  9:45p