Monday, March 25, 2019

Music Trip Reminders


 March 26th (Tuesday)  7:00pm in the auditorium

  • The meeting will cover expectations of the students, itinerary, and answer any questions what students/parents might have. Students will drop off their "checked luggage" after the meeting.
  • Students must pack their performance attire in their checked luggage:
    • Band - black pants; black socks/shoes; black shirt (like a polo or button down)
    • Orchestra/Choir - black performance polo; clean jeans (NO HOLES) (any shade of blue)
  • Students will also need to have packed in their luggage anything they will need Friday, Saturday and for the hotel and for the bus ride home.
Medications are not allowed to be packed in the luggage EXCEPT for prescription acne cream/prescription mouthwash/prescription soap. These are the only exceptions. Other prescription medications can be dropped off at the Tuesday night meeting as well. Please have them in the original bottle with the child's name clearly on it - and please only bring what the child will need on the trip.

All students must fill out and return the medication authorization form and the OTC (over the counter) form. They were due this past Friday. Thank you to all of the parents and students who have already turned them in - it makes the job of sorting and filing them much easier. Your directors have extra copies if you have not turned it in. 

It is a long bus ride to Orlando and back. We will be stopping for breakfast and some breaks, but we want to make sure that we can keep the students fed and most importantly, hydrated.
We are asking for big donations of water bottles and snack food (think Costco/BJ's). If you feel moved to donate, we greatly thank you. We have four full buses of high school students 😃

You can drop off any donations:
  • In the main office at Justice; 
  • Have your child drop them off in the orchestra room; 
  • Bring them to the meeting on Tuesday; 
  • Or drop them off by 6pm on Wednesday. 

Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. 
We look forward to seeing you all Tuesday night for the Parent Trip Meeting!