Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Spring Concert and Awards Ceremony, Orchestra Auditions, & Congratulations!

Spring Concert and Awards Ceremony
May 28th (Thursday) 7pm in the Stuart Auditorium

Here are the call times for the Spring Concert - 
the time the students need to arrive at the school):

Concert Orchestra – 6:15pm
Symphonic Orchestra – 5:45pm
Chamber Orchestra – 5:15pm

Orchestra Auditions

Auditions will be held for the upcoming 2015-2016 orchestras in June. The students have been given the dates, the requirements and the music needed. Please see below for the dates of the auditions. There are different requirements for each orchestra. All auditions will take place during class time EXCEPT Chamber Orchestra Auditions.

Chamber Orchestra Auditions are June 5th (Friday) at 3:30pm in the orchestra room. Auditions will be blind. All students planning on auditioning for Chamber should prepare to attend this date.


The J.E.B. Stuart Combined Orchestras traveled to Orlando, Florida in April and received a Superior Rating and also First place.

There were 12 orchestra performances at the recent Solo and Ensemble Festival. 8 received a Superior Rating and 4 received an Excellent Rating. Congrats!!

We look forward to seeing you all at the May 28th concert!