Congratulations to all of the orchestra students and families last night – it was a wonderful evening of music with the Concert Orchestra, the Symphonic Orchestra and our guests – the Glasgow Symphonic Orchestra. It is a promising and exciting start to the new year!
Upcoming reminders –
1. District Honors Orchestra Auditions are being held on November 19th at South County SS. Any interested students should notify Ms. Haynes by November 5th. Audition fee is $5 at the door, no pre-registration. ALL students are encouraged to attend. It is an invaluable experience!
2. The next Parent meeting will be Tuesday November 12th at 6:30pm in the orchestra room.
3. Commitment forms for the Music Department Spring Trip to Nashville are due November 1st, with a $145 deposit. Please make checks out to Stuart HS. Extra trip forms can be found in the orchestra room and on the Charms website. School code is jebstuartbands
4. Another Sweatshirt Order will be placed December 1st. Please fill out an order form, attach a check made out to Stuart Orchestra Boosters and turn in by December 1st. Order forms can be found in the orchestra room.