Monday, Feb. 22nd - Sectional Coaches are coming in during the day to work with students on their assessment music.Tuesday, Feb. 23rd - After School Rehearsal for Chamber Orchestra students 3:15-4:20pm. This is a mandatory rehearsal.
Wednesday, Feb. 24th - After School Rehearsal for Concert Orchestra students 3:15-4:20pm. This is a mandatory rehearsal.
Thursday, Feb. 25th - Pre-Assessment Concert #2. This is a mandatory performance for the Concert Orchestra students. All concert orchestra students need to be at Stuart HS no later than 6pm. Fellow orchestra teachers are coming in to adjudicate the students on their current progress.
All groups will be adjudicated on Friday March 4th at South County HS.
ALL orchestra students have weekly playing assignments that are due in Google Classroom. All of the students have been walked through the process of how to record their assignments and then upload them into Google Classroom. Since all orchestra students have a school email, this is a free app. If students do not have the ability to record at home, there are devices provided. Students have been told that they are welcome to come in any time during their lunch, before school or after school to record their playing assignments. These are graded assignments and students are given at least one week to prepare and upload. All assignments are due no later than 11:59pm each Saturday night.
Please do not hesitate to contact me with questions - I look forward to seeing you at our upcoming Pre-Assessment concerts!!
The Solo and Ensemble Festival Permission Slip form is due, along with fee, no later than Monday February 29th. This is not a mandatory event, but a large majority of students attend to perform solos or in small chamber groups. This will count as performance grade for the students – and fulfill their “large” project assignment that each students needs to complete in the year.
The event will be held at Mark Twain Middle School on April 21st (Thursday). It will not be during school hours, but afterschool. Each performance will be given an individual time. Including warm-up time and performance, each student would be done in about one hour.
Each student will be judged by one orchestra judge in the room. Family and friends are welcome (and encouraged!) to come, listen and support their student. If a student is playing a solo most will need a piano accompaniment in the forms of either a CD or a pianist. Please contact me with questions.
One of the following scores will be given to the performance: Superior (I) Excellent (II) Good (III) Fair (IV) or Poor (V)
J.E.B. Stuart High School has a long history of receiving many Superior and Excellent ratings at this Festival.
I invite your child to participate. This is a great way to assess individual learning and musicianship! All orchestra students are invited to prepare something.
Please contact me for more information. I can help with selection of music and finding of pianists if needed. I am happy to help.