Wednesday, April 2, 2014

District X Solo and Ensemble Festival, Friday April 4th, 2014

District X Solo and Ensemble Festival
Friday April 4th, 2014
Luther Jackson Middle School
3020 Gallows Road Falls Church VA 22042

Go to this web site to find your scheduled time:

Things to remember…

  1. Arrive at Luther Jackson no later than 30 minutes prior to performance time. If you have any questions, stop at the registration desk inside the front door. Otherwise, go to the gym to unpack and warm-up. There will be assigned spaces in the gym depending on your performance room; please unpack there. Large ensembles will unpack in the auxiliary gym. Your runner will come and get you approximately 5 minutes before your assigned performance time.
  2. You must provide an original (not a photocopy) of the music you are performing for the judge. You may play from a photocopy. Measures need to be numbered. 
  3. Middle and High School students performing solos that have accompaniment parts need to perform with a pianist or a recording. You must bring your own CD player; there will not be any available to use at Holmes. Elementary students do NOT need an accompaniment.
  4. Dress nicely - no shorts/jeans/athletic clothing.  One of the grades that you receive from the judge is on your appearance - an easy “A” if you dress well.
  5. Scores will be posted in the cafeteria after your performance. It may take some time to post, so plan to wait if you can.  Judges’ comment sheets will be sent to your orchestra director after the festival.
  6. Refreshments will be available for purchase in the cafeteria.

Have fun and good luck!