Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Congratulations JEB Stuart Orchestras

Congratulations Concert and Symphony Orchestras!

Both the Concert and Symphony Orchestras scored highest honors at the VBODA  (Virginia Band and Orchestra Association) District X Orchestra Assessment this past week earning the highest rating of 1 - superior. Snow days and limited practice time did not deter these musicians. Congratulations for your well-earned success and thanks for your hard work and dedication.

Additional news: Booster meeting Thursday, March 13th, 6:45p

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

VBODA: March 6, 2014 (Thursday) – Annandale High School

Concert Orchestra – students will need to bring everything that they will need to school that day. They are welcome to store it in the orchestra room during the day. We will leave school @1:45pm and go to Annandale High School. We will wait for a bit before our warm-up time so bring homework or things to work on while we wait. There MAY be concessions, but I cannot confirm.
  • Performance Time: 5:00pm
  • Estimated time back at Stuart: 6:45pm – please be here promptly to pick up your child if you are not able to attend the concert.
Symphonic Orchestra – students will need to have everything with them (I cannot guarantee that the orchestra room will stay open, etc. in the afternoon) when they come to meet the bus. Please come wearing your uniform as we will not have time to change there.
    • Be at Stuart HS no later than 6pm – the bus will leave soon after that to go to Annandale High School.
    • Performance Time: 8:15pm
    • Estimated time back at Stuart: 10pm. Since this is a late night, please feel free to pick up your child straight from Annandale High School. If you cannot, please be prompt by being in the parking lot at Stuart to pick up your child right then they get off the bus.

    • Parents, you are such a WONDERFUL and amazing group of adults to work with and I cannot do this without you. Please help your musician by reminding them to practice, get enough sleep, eat breakfast in the morning so they have enough “fuel” for the day and to also remember all of their concert attire for the assessment.