Saturday, January 18, 2025

February 27th, 2025 (Thursday) – TWO Pre-Assessment Concert for all orchestra students

To ensure we are adequately prepared for Orchestra Assessment, there will be TWO Pre-assessment concerts on Thursday, February 27th at Justice High School. This is a required performance, a graded component of this course, and is “practice” for the students before they go to Assessments in March.

Concert and Symphonic will perform at 6:30pm.

Philharmonic and Chamber will perform at 7:20 pm

The Justice high School Orchestras will participate in the District X Orchestra Assessment on Friday March 14, 2025 OR Saturday March 15, 2025, at Edison HS (see schedule below). Orchestra assessment is a state-wide event and is a highly educational and rewarding experience for all participants. As a member of the Justice HS Orchestra program, your child is required to participate in Orchestra Assessment as a graded course component.

All performances are open to the public.








Fri., March 14th


4:20 pm

6:00 pm


Sat., March 15th

7:10 am

9:30 am

11:00 am


Sat., March 15th

9:45 am

12:05 pm

2:00 pm


Sat., March 15th

   2:30 pm     at Edison

4:00 pm


Please make sure the field trip permission form that was distributed for these upcoming events is completed and returned to Ms. Haynes by Friday, February 7th.

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

TAG Day, Saturday, September 9th: Volunteers Needed

Welcome to all new families, and welcome back to all returning families
to the Justice High School Orchestra Department!

TAG Day is Saturday, September 9th, 2023  8:00am to 12:30pm. 

This is *THEE* big fundraiser for the Orchestra Department. We need all the help that we can get from our orchestra families, both parents and students are urged to participateRemember, the amount of money that each group receives is proportionate to the number of hours put in. When successful, this fundraiser supports most of the annual expenses for Justice High School music programs.

On Tag Day, students and parents from band, chorus and orchestra ask the local community directly for support by going to every home within the Justice High School boundaries. Due to COVID safety precautions, students will not be knocking on doors to collect money.  Instead, students will simply “tag” each house, leaving a return envelope and flyer that asks for a donation.  

Subsequently, we will follow up with neighbors and past donors by mail and email, encouraging their financial support – the ‘virtual’ component of our Tag Day event.

Tag Day requires all hands on deck. We need every family to participate in order for it to be a success. 

More information about how you can help, 

including a Sign Up Genius for volunteers, 

will be posted soon.

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Spring Orchestra Concert

Final Concert of the school year - Tuesday, May 24th @ 7pm

Followed by the 

Annual Awards Ceremony
and the presentation of the Senior Books

We cordially invite all family and friends to attend
To honor and support the Seniors as they play in their last high school concert

The students will be wearing their formal attire.  Arrival times are: 

Chamber - Tune/Warm-up on stage no later than 5:30pm

Symphonic - arrive no later than 5:30 to change into uniform/Tune on stage at 5:50pm

Concert - arrive no later than 5:50pm to change into uniform/Tune on stage at 6:20

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Justice Orchestra Pyramid Concert

 Justice High School Orchestra Pyramid Concert
Wednesday, April 20th @ 6:30...note early start time

This is a chance for ALL of the orchestra students in the Justice Pyramid to come together and perform music. There will be students from Glasgow Middle School  and the area elementary schools. For some of these students, this may be their very first concert performance!!

The concert will be informal. The orchestra students should wear jeans and long-sleeved orchestra shirts. The actual performance starts at 6:30PM, please note - this is an ealier time than normal. Students will be asked to be at Justice HS no later than 5:30PM to tune and to run through some of the combined pieces. 

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

VBODA March 18th / March 19th

 Virginia Band and Orchestra High School Assessments

Chamber Orchestra

  • Evening of Friday, March 18th
  • Arrive at Annandale HS in their formal performance uniform NO LATER than 6pm
  •  Meet in the main lobby with Ms. Haynes before going to warm-up room.
  •  Stage Performance Time: 7:40PM

Symphonic Orchestra 

  • Afternoon of Saturday, March 19th

  • Arrive at Justice NO LATER than 2pm
  • Change into their formal uniform when they arrive at school and ride the bus to Annandale HS  
  • Stage Performance Time: 4:35pm
  • Estimated return to Justice ~ 6:15pm

Concert Orchestra

  • Morning of Saturday, March 19th
  • Arrive at Justice NO LATER than 8am. 
  • Change into formal uniform when you arrive at school and ride the bus to Annandale HS.  
  • Stage Performance Time: 10:00am
  • Estimated return to Justice ~11:15am 
Performances will take place at Annandale High School.
Students will wear their formal attire to this performance.
Each group will prepare and perform 3 pieces in front of four adjudicators. They will be assessed on many different criteria – including intonation, musicality, stage presence, tone and dynamics.
Based on their performance, they will receive an overall “rating”

              I – Superior    II – Excellent    III – Good     IV – Fair      V – Poor

Orchestra students have brought home permission slip forms for parents/guardians to sign. Please return all forms no later than Monday, March 7th.  If you would like to take your student home after their performance and not ride the bus back to Justice, please attach a signed note onto the permission slip forms. 

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Pre-Assessment Concert and VBODA

February 28th, 2022 (Monday) – Pre-Assessment Concert for all orchestra students
Concert will start promptly at 7pm and will end before 8pm

This is a required performance and is a “practice” performance for the kids before they go to Assessments in March.

Chamber Orchestra – students are asked to arrive no later than 5:30pm and on stage to tune and warm-up. They will change into their formal attire after warm-up.

Symphonic Orchestra – students are asked to arrive no later than 5:30pm to change into their formal attire. They will be on stage no later than 5:50pm to warm-up and tune.

Concert Orchestra – students are asked to arrive no later than 5:50pm to change into their formal attire. They will be on stage no later than 6:20pm to turn and warm-up.

Virginia Band and Orchestra Association Assessments
 March 18th and March 19th
  • Performances will take place at Annandale High School.
  • Students will wear their formal attire to this performance.
  • Each group will prepare and perform 3 pieces on front of four adjudicators. They will be assessed on many different criteria – including intonation, musicality, stage presence, tone and dynamics.
  • Based on their performance, they will receive an overall “rating”
I – Superior     II – Excellent     III – Good     IV – Fair     V – Poor

Chamber Orchestra will be performing the evening of Friday, March 18th. Exact time TBD

Symphonic Orchestra will be performing the afternoon of Saturday, March 19th. Exact time TBD.

Concert Orchestra will be performing the morning of Saturday, March 19th. Exact time TBD.

More information will be sent out soon in terms of exact times of performances and when to be at Justice High School, etc. along with field trip forms to be signed and returned.

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Winter Concert

 On behalf of all of the orchestra students you are cordially invite to attend

Justice High School Orchestras'

Annual Winter Concert

Thursday, December 9th @ 7pm

The students have been working very hard on their music 

and look forward to share it with you🎝

      Call times:  

     Chamber - 5:30pm on stage to tune and warm up; change into uniform after you tune

     Symphonic - 5:30pm to change into uniforms, warm-up on stage at 5:50

     Concert – 5:45pm to change into uniforms, warm-up on stage at 6:15

      ☃Combined -  all back on stage at 6:40 for run through of combined music

Thanks in advance for arriving on time.

Remember to bring your black socks (not ankle length)/tights and black dress shoes as all students will be wearing their formal uniforms which are kept at the school, for the concert.

Wear black masks if possible.

Change clothes after the concert and leave the uniform in the uniform rooms. Please hang up your uniform correctly before handing them to the uniform parents. 

Thank you for your tireless support. We may not say it often enough but your continued commitment to orchestra is greatly appreciated.

There will be NO reception following the concert.