Thursday, February 10, 2022

Pre-Assessment Concert and VBODA

February 28th, 2022 (Monday) – Pre-Assessment Concert for all orchestra students
Concert will start promptly at 7pm and will end before 8pm

This is a required performance and is a “practice” performance for the kids before they go to Assessments in March.

Chamber Orchestra – students are asked to arrive no later than 5:30pm and on stage to tune and warm-up. They will change into their formal attire after warm-up.

Symphonic Orchestra – students are asked to arrive no later than 5:30pm to change into their formal attire. They will be on stage no later than 5:50pm to warm-up and tune.

Concert Orchestra – students are asked to arrive no later than 5:50pm to change into their formal attire. They will be on stage no later than 6:20pm to turn and warm-up.

Virginia Band and Orchestra Association Assessments
 March 18th and March 19th
  • Performances will take place at Annandale High School.
  • Students will wear their formal attire to this performance.
  • Each group will prepare and perform 3 pieces on front of four adjudicators. They will be assessed on many different criteria – including intonation, musicality, stage presence, tone and dynamics.
  • Based on their performance, they will receive an overall “rating”
I – Superior     II – Excellent     III – Good     IV – Fair     V – Poor

Chamber Orchestra will be performing the evening of Friday, March 18th. Exact time TBD

Symphonic Orchestra will be performing the afternoon of Saturday, March 19th. Exact time TBD.

Concert Orchestra will be performing the morning of Saturday, March 19th. Exact time TBD.

More information will be sent out soon in terms of exact times of performances and when to be at Justice High School, etc. along with field trip forms to be signed and returned.